Introduction to KURV+ for WINDOWS Shareware, freely distributable Contact (e-mail): (C) Copyright 1992-96 by Conrad Button's Software TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE NUMBER ______________________________________________________________ Installation .......................................... 2 Introduction .......................................... 3 Getting Started ....................................... 7 Copyright and Registration............................. 12 Limited Warranty ...................................... 14 Page 2 INSTALLATION WARNING: You must have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory before proceeding with this installation! If you do not have this file, download it from HTTP://WWW.HALCYON.COM/CBUTTON/WELCOME and copy it to your windows\system directory. Your diskette contains a SETUP program which will automatically install all of the files and libraries on your hard drive. To install KURV+: 1. From the Windows Program Manager select FILE, then select RUN. 2. Type and Enter A:SETUP (or B:SETUP). SETUP will then run. It will expand all of the compressed files on the diskette and place them in their correct directories. A new KURV+ Program Group and its icon will be added to Program Manager. If the following message should occur during SETUP: "Cannot copy file XXXX.XXX" where XXXX.XXX is any file name such as DDEML.DLL, VER.DLL, MMSYSTEM.DLL, etc. then, CLOSE ALL PROGRAMS THAT ARE CURRENTLY RUNNING BEFORE YOU RUN SETUP (only Program Manager should be running)! Then run SETUP. Should this fail to solve the problem, delete the current version of "XXXX.XX" and then run SETUP again. Page 3 INTRODUCTION KURV+ has four mathematical modules: a Curve Fitting module, a Multiple Linear Regression module, a Fundamental Statistics module, and a Graph Builder module. A Statistical Calculator is also provided. CURVE FITTING MODULE X,Y data points supplied by the user are processed to determine the coefficients for 28 mathematical equations (including third, fourth and fifth order polynomials). A built-in data editor allows the user to create, edit, or import files for curve fitting. Changes to files, and the resulting curve fit changes, can be rapidly made from KURV's master control panel. Comparisons of calculated points with actual data points are instantly available. The user can also forecast results for points beyond the range of the input data. The comparisons and forecasts can be displayed as graphs or as tables. All graphs and tables can be printed via the Windows printer interface; they can also be copied to the Windows clipboard for insertion into other Windows programs. The default labels and legends on the graphs can be changed via the new label editor on each graph's menu bar. Page 4 MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION In multiple regression, the dependent variable (Y) is predicted in terms of 2 or more independent variables or predictors (X1, X2, etc.). KURV+ will calculate the least-squares coefficients for linear regression with two, three, or four predictors. The general form of the equation is: Y = b0 + b1*X1 + b2*X2 + b3*X3 + b4*X4 where Y is the dependent variable, X1, X2, X3, X4 are the independent predicators, and b0, b1, b2, b3, b4 are the coefficients to be calculated. For example: You have priced ready-to-ship 486DX2-66 computers from two companies. All else being equal, you have determined the cost as a function of MB of RAM and of MB of hard disk storage. Page 5 Company MB of RAM MB of hard disk Total computer cost ($) ------- --------- --------------- ----------------------- ALPHA 16 528 3250 8 426 2750 4 214 2450 BETA 16 426 2995 8 340 2495 4 120 2295 You have decided to order a customized 486DX2-66 with 4 MB of RAM and 528 MB of hard disk. What is the expected cost? The multiple regression module in KURV+ will quickly provide the answer-- COST = $1996 + $37.5 * MB of RAM + $1.05 * MB of hard disk. Thus your customized configuration should cost approximately $2700. Similar to the curve fitting module, the multiple regression model will also allow you to forecast results beyond the range of the input data. All forecasts can be displayed as graphs and/or as tables. Page 6 FUNDAMENTAL STATISTICS MODULE This module calculates the mean, variance, and standard deviation of data sets supplied by the user. Data may either be grouped (item value, frequency of occurrence) or ungrouped (single column of item values). Grouped data may be displayed as a scatter graph. GRAPH BUILDER MODULE This module allows you to create your own graphs, independent of the other modules. You supply the data and then choose your graph style, colors, font style, line style, and grid type. You enter the desired graph title, legend, and axis labels. The resulting graph may be printed directly or copied to the Windows clipboard. STATISTICAL CALCULATOR This calculator can perform the following operations: factorial, permutations, combinations, e^x, Y^x, log e, log 10, square root, and change sign. Numbers may be stored in a memory register for later recall. Memory accumulation is also provided. Page 7 GETTING STARTED Start the Windows Program Manager. Double click on the KURV+ Icon. The opening window will display the contents panel. Chose either the Curve Fitting, the Multiple Regression, the Fundamental Statistics, or the Graph Builder module. CURVE FITTING MODULE Your first step is to enter or import the X,Y points to be curve fitted. This is done via the data display/editor on the left side of the Master Control Panel. The HELP menu should be read before you attempt to use this editor. Please note that the maximum number of data pairs that can be processed by KURV+ is 500. Your second step is to curve fit the displayed data. Select either the button labeled FIT TO 25 CURVES or the button labeled FIT TO 3 POLYNOMIALS. Page 8 Once the calculations have been performed, you can print the coefficients. You can also COMPARE the calculated results with your inputs. You can FORECAST Y values for X values between your data input points (interpolate) or beyond your last data point (extrapolate). MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODULE Your first step is to enter or import the X1, X2 (X3, X4 optional) and Y data points. This is done via the data display/editor on the left of the Master Control Panel. The HELP menu should be read before you attempt to use this editor. Please note that the maximum number of data rows that can be processed by KURV+ is 500. Your second step is to process the displayed data. Select the button labeled PROCESS DATA. The linear regression equation will be displayed in the white text box on the bottom of the panel. Page 9 Once the calculations have been performed, you can forecast Y values for X1, X2, etc. values between your data input points (interpolate) or beyond your last data point (extrapolate). To forecast, select the FORECAST button. A new control panel will appear. Select either X1, X2 X3 or X4 for the variable predictor, enter the values for the remaining predictors, then enter the minimum and the maximum values for the variable predictor. Select either the tabular or the graphical display button. FUNDAMENTAL STATISTICS MODULE First you must enter or import your data values using the data/display editor on the left side of the panel. The HELP menu should be read before you attempt to use this editor. Please note that the maximum number of data rows that can be processed by KURV+ is 500. Page 10 If your data is grouped by item value and frequency of occurence, select "Grouped" from the option box in the upper right corner of the panel, otherwise select "UnGrouped" data (ungrouped data is a single column of values). Then select the "Process Data" button. The mean, variance, and standard deviation of your data will then be calculated and displayed. To view a scatter graph of your data, select the "Scatter Graph" button. GRAPH BUILDER MODULE To create your own graphs, you must first enter (or import) your X,Y data in the data display/editor. Then either select a graph type, color, font, line, and grid from the menu bar or accept the defaults (black line graph on white, Roman font, thin line, no grid, no Mean). If desired, you can also enter a graph title, legend text, X-axis text, and Y-axis text. Then select the "Display Graph" button. Your graph will be generated in the large white region on your screen. Changes can be instantly made and viewed by selecting alternate options from the menu bar. To print your graph, select "File" and then "Print". To copy your graph to the clipboard, select "Edit" and then "Copy". Please refer to the HELP menu for addtional information. Page 11 STATISTICAL CALCULATOR To use this calculator as a look-up table, key in a number and then select the appropriate function (N!, ln, log, e^x, or sqrt). To calculate the permutations or combinations of N things taken R at a time, key in N, select either [perm] for permutations or [comb] for combinations, key in R, and then select [=]. To raise a number to a power, key in the number, select [Y^x], key in the power, and then select [=]. To store a number in memory, display the number and then select [Sto]. To recall a stored number, select [Rcl]. To add a displayed number to the one in memory, select [M+]. This calculator uses algebraic notation. Select the HELP button on the calculator for further information. Page 12 COPYRIGHT and REGISTRATION KURV+ for WINDOWS is (C) Copyright 1992-96 by Conrad Button's Software. If you are not a licensed user, a licensing fee of $20.00 (U.S. funds) should be sent to: Conrad Button's Software 20230 Lake Riley Rd. Arlington, WA 98223 You will receive a personalized copy of the licensed version. Please use the form on the next page to register. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Conrad Button's Software, 20230 Lake Riley Rd, Arlington, WA 98223 Please license me as a user of KURV+ for WINDOWS and send me the latest LICENSED version. I enclose payment of $20 (U.S. Funds). NO credit cards are accepted. Foreign orders add $1.00 for postage. KURV+ requires a 3.5" HIGH DENSITY floppy drive (1.44 MB). Name ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I received the ShareWare version of KURV+ for WINDOWS from: CONRAD BUTTON'S SOFTWARE ( Press to print this form. Page 14 ******* LIMITED WARRANTY ******* If a damaged disk has been received from Conrad Button's Software, the Purchaser may obtain a replacement disk providing the damaged disk is returned to Conrad Button's Software within thirty days of the invoice date. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, CONRAD BUTTON'S SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ACCURACY OF CALCULATED OUTPUTS, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL CONRAD BUTTON'S SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF CONRAD BUTTON'S SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents.